Thursday, October 28, 2021

My Top 5 Sources for News and Information

 Blog Post #1

    As a strategic communications major, I am focused on being informed and obtaining the ability to communicate with people from various backgrounds. I think looking at the news from different lenses helps me gain insight into people outside of my immediate circle.

1. Morning Brew

    Morning Brew is a news company that sends a free daily email to its subscribers that gives a summary of the most relevant headlines for young business professionals. I read the email each day and it keeps me informed just enough to jump in on discussions in class while also giving me sources for further reading. The newsletter is logically arranged, timely, aesthetically pleasing. Many of my friends also read Morning Brew each day to stay informed despite our busy schedule. I also recommend their newsletters Emerging Tech Brew and Marketing Brew. 

2. New York Times

    I consider the New York Times to be a quintessential news source in the journalistic age of bias and fake news. As someone newer to consuming political news, their summary blurbs make things easier for me to grasp. The pictures, charts, and graphs they place on the website allow me to gain information at a glance.  Not only are their journalistic strategies sound, but I draw inspiration from their writing. Though, the paywalls make it much harder to fully enjoy my news.

3. Wall Street Journal 

    Similar to NY Times, the Wall Street Journal is usually the next place I go for my news. They also have a reputable news reporting style. For stories of unethical business practices, this is my favorite source. They have a way of personalizing stories that often can be bland. I have been following this source since John Carreyrou broke the story of Theranos, though he has since moved on from being a reporter.

4. NPR Up First

    NPR Up First is my favorite way to get my news when I do not have time to sit down and read for myself.  I enjoy listening to Up First by NPR if I have a morning commute or while I am eating breakfast. It gives me the three biggest stories of the day and provides an analysis of them while still allowing room for me to form my own conclusions. The main commentators of the podcast have calming voices, virtually mistake-free podcast production, and knowledgeable perspectives. 

5. Winston-Salem Journal
    For me, this newspaper is what I grew up with. I spent my mornings at the table talking about headlines with my dad over bowls of cereal. I have personally interviewed and job shadowed some of these reporters during internships and high school classes. I know how tirelessly these reporters work for the community and I am very fortunate to have grown up learning from them. In fact, this paper was one of the things that sparked interest in the communications field.

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